Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I know I know. You dont need to tell me. Im very bad at keeping up on this blog. Im so so so busy with work, being a mommy, wife, house keeper. I sometimes wonder how I keep breathing. My hat is off to all the working moms specially the single working moms. (I do not know what I would do with out Wayne).

Well to get everyone caught up. Jaxie (aka lil tornado) is crawling she has been actually crawling since she was 5 months (she is 7 months now). But all in the same week she learned to crawl, she decided she could pull her self up to everything. When I mean everything I mean my legs, daddys legs, tv, computer stand anything that is stable and not so stable. She is one tuff nut. I will leave the room for a second come back and she will have a goose egg on her head and still going with out crying. I ask her what did you do she just looks at me like what I'm fine mom, DONT BOTHER ME!! She loves the tv stand and the filing cabinet. On the filing cabinet the top drawer it doesn't have a handle, so you can see into it. Jaxie LOVES this drawer. Why because when she reaches in she gets a different surprise everytime from a cord to sunglasses to whatever is in the drawer. I will say "no no Jaxie not for you" she'll smile and keep going to tell I get that deep no no and then she will stop. But not for daddy its a game with her that if daddys says no that means to keep it up but faster past. I try not to laugh but its actually funny.

She also has started to say "MAMA MAMA MAMA" YAY not. Its all the time when she is sad, mad or just wanting attention. She does say "dadadada" she actually started dada first. But shhhh we wont tell anyone that.
Wayne started a new job this month. He now is known as "oilfield trash" but the good trash he works for Newfield as a field mechanic. He is so excited. (like a kid in the candy store) Its so nice to see him happy with work. He has changed with this new job he holds his head up higher, and knows he is worth it. Its so exciting to see him come home with a smile and stories to tell us. It was so cute and funny the other day he worked for 12 hours and came home all tired and gives me a hug and says "I LOVE MY JOB"... I can't tell you how it feels when he is happy we all are happy...

So a couple weekends ago. We went to Salt Lake City with Waynes Family. It was so much fun. We went to the Hogle Zoo, and the State Fair. Jaxie was still a little to little to understand what was going on. But she sure loves her cousins, Grandpa and Grandma Honey, and Aunts. She loved the animals when they actually would move or make a sound. We were at the monkey's and one was just a sing to Wayne (ha ha). But was swinging and talking a lot and Jaxie would giggle then look at us like what is that. I have never heard or seen anything like that. Then look back and giggle again, it was great. She rode the Carosel (dont mind the spelling). At first she liked it then about she got scared I think she was getting sick but then she was fine.When she realized I was having fun with her. Daddy wouldnt ride with us he is to mocho to...

The State Fair she liked the lights that is about it. Not to exciting... But earlier she stayed with the grandparents while mommy, daddy, aunt Kinner, cousins Sadie and Gracie when shopping. She loves her Grandparents so much. They spoil her all the time. Grandpa said that she told him off while we were gone. I don't know why but she would just yell at him everytime he came by her. It was actually funny. I think Gary was getting his feeling hurt but she eventually would go to him. Once she realized he was an aokay guy. And to make sure mom was okay with him also. She is starting to make sure Wayne and I are around more and more. Its like she is asking us if its okay when strange things happen. Shell tilt her head and look at us, when we says its okay she is all for what ever it was she was asking about.
She just loves Lincoln and Lexi. She is nothing but smiles, and giggles when they are around. She will let them know when she is done with the face touching. But they are so cute with her. They are always like baby Jaxie needs a drink, or food. Look at her tiny hands, fingers, nose, toes, everything is tiny to them. Lexi wants to hold her all the time.... Even when Jaxie doesnt want to be held. Lincoln just hugs no kisses. He is to mocho mind you they are 3 and 4. They are so cute but little TERRIERS... I love them so much they make me laugh at the things they say. Some that I can not put on here. haha...

Oh yeah I almost forgot. We went CAMPING for the first time up to my Mathews campout... Wow camping with a baby is HARD WORK... Mind you Wayne had carpal tunnel release surgery the day before we went. But she wore her self out with all of the little ones around. I don't know what it is about little kids but we all love them. But Jaxie oh man her whole world lights up with them. There was so many she was on overload... She was so tired when we got home. I think she slept for 2 days straight.

Oh yeah.. I'm going to be another Aunt. My baby sister Quincee got married in July to Brandon Scholes. They are expecting.. are you ready for this "A BOY" How does that work out. We are all so excited we have no idea what to do with a boy. Our last boy in the family was chase 23 years ago... We also like Brandon I guess he is a keeper.. (just joking we really love him) He is really good to Quincee and is as full of it as she is. And that is hard to be as full as she is... Love you both Cant wait to meet "aka Gagger" (what grandpa mathews calls him so far)

Last night we went to Rylan's volleyball game. Dallie was there. These two girls sure love each other. It is kiss, kiss, after kiss with each other. Dallie is walking and she is a little go getter and a teaser. She is getting so big, she has to pretty much run to get away from Jaxie. Then she would turn back around to make sure Jaxie is coming. Pretty cute. Jaxie is her shadow...

Well I think we are going up to the mountains sunday to get pictures so I will have some more to share. Since my mom says I dont have any... Love you mom...

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