Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Well like everyone else we are supper busy, in the hustle and bustle. I think we all get busier and busier every year. This year I think a lot of us forget the REAL meaning to CHRISTmas. I have a blog that I read. Im real good friends with her mother that I work with. Her blog is I really love reading her blogs but she just wrote one about her nephew that has to have open heart surgery this week. It makes me so greatful to have such a healthy family. But it makes you remember the TRUE meaning of Christmas. It isn't about the most, biggest, prettiest present. Its about showing LOVE to everyone. Even people we do not know. My heart goes out to the many many families that are in need. I wish there was something Physically I can do but there isn't other than kneeling down on my knees and praying. To our Heavenly father and asking for the blessing to reach them at the time of need, and thanking him for my blessings. I hope at this time people can kneel down and pray and for "good will to all men." I know I do more and more every day. Please keep Christ in your Christmas. Its for him that we have Christmas. I will always say Merry Christmas and have a CHRISTMAS tree. And try my hardest not to get to worldly with the world.


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