Saturday, January 29, 2011

Waiting, Waiting and more Waiting

Well what else to do, other than WAIT, WAIT, AND MORE WAITING. We are only 8 days away, which can be less or more who knows. Only baby Jaxie. I think she is laughing inside right now at all of us going "oh Jaxie don't you want to come out and play, We want you here now." Its pretty funny dad is like okay here are the days Jaxie can come. Im laughing the whole time going dad you know she will come when she comes. Sorry she is not going to wait for anyone. If your ready or not here she comes. As much as her mommy wants to know I wont know till its time.

The whole nesting thing. I think is just happens any time. I have been nesting for like the last month. I feel like I can't get on top of things. Because when I actually do a day later it needs done again. Guess I'm getting ready for when she is here because it will be that way day after day.

Well I dont know what else to say or write. Until she comes See you hopefully soon....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Okay so, today I'm feeling a little left out.. I know selfish but I do. It seems like everyone is having their babies. Laura had her on Friday which was givin she was due before me so I was okay with her having her baby. But when Amanda had hers I was like oh come on. We were due the same day... I went to the Dr. and he announced that I was dilated to a 1...YAY!!! Well I know that I might be a 1 for a while. But I got so excited and now TIME IS STANDING STILL!!!! Which is not okay with me. I have been so restless at night, from my legs aching to the excitement. I guess I should just clean the house from top to bottom that will pass the time. But my luck ill get it done and still have time to wait...

I called my dad and told him the news. He got so excited then I told him that I could be at this stage for weeks. Lets just say he was not happy and that I was a turd and that he will not answer his phone when I'm calling. I love it that my family are so excited about this baby. It makes me happy.

So I have to tell this story it was so funny....

We got two strollers at the baby shower one was a big one that the car seat can go in and the other was one of those littler ones. We love them both. Wayne wanted to see how to put the carseat in the stroller and so I showed. Well he was like "I need to test this thing out to make sure the baby is safe." Well lets just say he tested it out he was lifting it up and down side to side. Well all of sudden the car seat fell out. He goes see its a good thing we tested out. I go wayne I sure hope no one does what you did with the stroller, and with the baby in it. He goes but are you glad we did. Yes hun I am but are you sure we put the car seat in correctly. Well we got to reading the correct instruction on how to put in the car seat, and yes we had it wrong. But once we did put it in correctly the testing started all over again... It was so funny. I laughed to the point where I couldn't breath... I felt bad for the people below us. I bet they thought some one was getting killed with all of the noise...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

one spoiled girl

Today was my baby shower. What a great turn out. It was so wonderful to see everyone there. I was so surprise by how many actually came. Thanks everyone. For those that couldn't come I understand we can't always be everywhere. I got so many very nice gifts. They were amazing she is going to be the cutest and best dressed girl around. I am so blessed to have family and friends that I have. You all are amazing people. Thank you so much for sharing this day with me and Jaxie. Im sure she is happy and excited. I know her parents are. I will post pictures as soon as I get them from mom.

I have the best sisters and mom ever. They put this baby shower all together and it turned out WONDERFUL!
Thanks you guys. I almost cried but kept myself from. I just cant express my gratitude and appreciation that I have for my family. I wouldn't be who I am or where I am with out them. I also want to say thanks to Waynes family, they raised a great man, that is and will take care of Jaxie and I. Im so lucky to have him in my life. I know Im not easy to deal or live with but he does. Thanks babe.

Well now all we need is Jaxie Dawn to make her appearance. But I want her to be good and ready.

Thanks again everyone...

Monday, January 10, 2011

36 Weeks Pregnant 4 More to go!!!

Today I had my 36 week check. I don't know what to say. There is so much that I do want to say but don't know how to put it into words.

Jaxie is the size of a crenshaw melon: if you don't know what that is this is what it looks like. They say she is  about 6 pounds and 18.5 inches long.
How does something that long fit inside someone? I have been asking that question for a while and from experience it is a very tight fit. Today when we went to the Dr. Jaxie's heart beat was 150 per minute, very good and strong heart beat. It makes me want to cry everytime we hear it. I go in every week now till she arrives.

Some things I'm going to miss about being pregnant are:

1. Feeling her move all the time.
2. Jaxie teasing her daddy by not letting him feel her move!!!
3. Seeing my belly jump or my laptop move from her kicking it.
4. The excuses of "I'm pregnant can you please move or lift that for me"
5. Wondering what she is going to look like me or her daddy
6. The excitement of the waiting game and having moms and dads calling all the time to check up on us.

Some things I'm NOT going to miss about being pregnant are:

1. Having to PEE ALL THE TIME!!!
2. Not sleeping (even though I will never get it that one back)
3. Not being able to breath
4. Not being able to bend over.
6. Belly rubbing up on everything and knocking things over at work

I really can't complain much about my pregnancy. It really hasn't been that bad. I haven't been sick, or in much pain. I sure the pain thing will change, but till now its been pretty good. I think we might have another one when Jaxie is older.

Now things I'm looking forward to being a "MOMMY"

1. Holding my little girl for the first time.
2. Being a mommy
3. Playing with her.
4. Making her laugh
5. Showing her off.
6. Dressing her up.
7. Taking time off of work.
8. Telling people that she is MINE!!! not having to give her back or taking turns if I dont want to.

I could go on forever, and forever, and forever. We are both so excited and can wait we want her to be well done when she decides to make her arrival.

We will keep you all posted on the weeks to come, and how we are feeling.

Oh yeah one more thing. I posted on facebook one day that I love to see and feel baby Jaxie move and my littel cousin/sister
Rylan said "wow you can actually see her move"
 I "yeah its pretty cool"
Rylan "how do you see her did you cut your self open!!"
I "ha ha no rylan I did not cut myself open you can see her move because my belly moves or jumpes when she does move or kick"
Rylan "oh that is awesome I would like to see that"
I "you might one of these days I have to be relaxed and it needs to be quite"
Rylan "why does it need to be quite"
I "because Jaxie likes to listen to people talk and listen to whats going on out here"

I thought it was pretty cute, that she was so concerned that I actually cut myself open.

Wayne has a neice Lexi and nephew Lincoln and they are convinced that if they blow on Aunt Ashley's belly button that the baby will come out.. Yeah thanks to Traci my sister in law the kids mother. I have to be on my toes at all times or they will pull up my shirt and try to blow on my belly button. I know funny right...

Well I think that will be it till next time.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Blog..

Well our old blog won't let us do much with it. So I decided to change to new one. I hope this will be better. All of the fitures are the same just an up-grade. I hope. So I'm going to try it tonight bare with me.

Here is some of the Clan for the Mathews/Fishers Christmas Party.
 Just feeding our faces we ares so good at that.
Here Chase and Wayne are Playing the Ping Pong game. It was so funny. Your roll a ping pong ball off the back of your head and try to make it in the cup that is taped to your back.
 "IM THE WINNER!!!" Is what Wayne was saying.
 Here is how the cup is taped to your back.

 Grandma Mathews with Baby Dallie Jo. She is so much fun and cute. She looks so tired. She was such a great Trooper with all of us older people.

 Quincee showing us all how it is done. I dont think she got one in ha ha

 Rylan trying it now. It was so much fun. I love playing games with my family.
 and here is Dallie Jo and soon to be Baby Jaxie Dawn I sure love cuddling with my baby niece.

 This is what happens when she sees her Muncle. KISSES KISSES KISSES.

 Dallie Jo sure loves her muncle. Everytime we see her she is always wanting to kiss her muncle.. Its so cute.
 Christmas morning. This is what Dallie Jo got for her first christmas she is going to be our little cowgirl.
"Quincee are you sure about this. Because Im not"
Daddy, what do you think? She actually started to like it more and more as the day went by.
I love this picture. What am I getting now. Mom hurry hurry. I cant wait...
a box that is it what the heck.
Dallie Jo and her most favorite Auntie.
Christmas with the Marx family now. Lincoln and Lexi got a car from grandma marx. Lincoln thought he was the king of the road..
Lexi helping to hand out all of the presents she was so excited. I actually think she started to get discouraged when she didnt find hers. Then she found it and she was okay
Kolynn Taking pictures of everyone so I took one of her..
Opening more, more, more and more presents. they got so many that they didn't know what to do with

Muncle showing Lincoln how to play with the robot. I think Wayne wanted one for himself. Looks like Santa is going to bring him one next year.

Marcus, Grandma Betty Cook, Sadie
and Gracee

Wayne and I had such a great Christmas. It was alot of traveling for prego me. But I made it. We can't wait till next year to have our little girl. Jaxie will be old enough to just know what is going on. Well till next time..