Friday, February 25, 2011

2 weeks old

I cant believe it. She is already 2 weeks old.. We went to the Dr today and Jaxie weights in at 7 lb 7 oz and 20 inches long. Doesnt sound like a lot but she actually gained about a pound and 1/2 in from when we left the hospital. I was so excited. Dr also said she looks great and growing good. I was so happy. Here are some more pictures of our baby J.

our little monkey.

bath time. Jaxie has her nights some nights she loves her baths, then others she isnt sure about. She does love it when we wash her hair. I cant wait to actually be able to bath her in the tub. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

1 week old

One week old already. I cant believe it. She already has changed so much. She is sleeping great and eating great. 

This is Jaxie saying really mom another outfit. Come on...  
I love to dress my baby girl up. Its so much fun. She is already starting to fill out more and more. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jaxie Dawn Marx

Jaxie Dawn Marx
7 lbs 6oz
19.5 in
9:02 pm

 This is her story.. Wayne and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 1.5 years and finally our little miracle girl decided it was time to come and join us as a family. We we so so so excited that we couldn't keep it a secret we told everyone and anyone... Grandpa Mathews thought it was way to soon for us to tell everyone because then the pregnancy would take FOREVER.. Well for Wayne and I it went pretty fast. Except the last 3 weeks. The pregnancy was great I was never sick the only complaint was being tired all the time. I loved the excuse Im pregnant. I played that card ALOT... ha ha 

Jaxie due date came and gone and I was getting frustrated. I was dilated to a 1 for 3 weeks and nothing. Finally the monday after my due day 2/7/11 we had a Dr. appointment. YAY finally I was dilated to a 2 and Dr. Williams said we can see if she comes on her own or start you. I go well if you think it is safe lets go a head and get started. Dr Williams said okay let me call the ob and see when they can do. While he was gone I had so many emotions running through me. Like are we ready, can I do this, is she ready, is she really a went on and on and on. Finally the Doc cam back and said good news. We can do it this week but not till Thursday 2/10/11. I was completely okay with that maybe she will come before then. Well back to work I went everyone there was so surprised to see me there as for I. I only went Monday and Tuesday. I was having contractions all night long Tuesday and so I decided to stay home and relax and also get stuff ready for Thursday. Well nothing happened Wednesday and Thursday morning we headed to the hospital nice and early. We had to be there at 6 it was so so so COLD outside. We checked in and the nurses got my Ive ready and all the monitors on Jaxie. HERE WE GO... They started the Pitocin to start the contractions. About 9 o'clock Dr. Williams came in and checked me. I was dilated to a 4.5 and he broke my water, at this point there was no turning back.. Here we go and again the emotions came on.. Well now we just wait for progression. The nurses would come in and check on me and slowly but surely there was some progress. Well at noon I was checked again and I was just about a 6cm. That is where I stopped I did not progress any more. At 6:00 pm Dr Williams came in and told me what was going on and what needs to happen. He said we can wait one more hour to see if anything happens or we can go ahead and do a c section. I was not prepared for that. After he left the room. I totally and completely broke down. I was so scared I did not want a c section. I had Wayne call a good friend of ours Brett Miles to come and give me a blessing. After the blessing I was good and was ready for anything to get our little angel here. On the other hand Wayne was still not sure. My parents came down and gave Wayne a blessing. I tell you what I have a huge testimony on Blessings, and our heavenly father. If it wasn't for him our little angel would not be here. The nurses came in to get me ready and to give Wayne his cloths for he gets to come in with me. Wayne asked my parents if they would like to watch it also. Because there is a window that goes into the or room. Dad called Kandice and asked if she would like to come watch also. Both Kandice and dad were like what if we faint. I go there are chairs in there. Kandice wasn't sure till the very last minute. They rolled me into the Or room and of course Im still scared but doing good. They get all of the stuff on me. They gave me meds to numb me up. Dr Williams and Dr Senagard ( i dont know how to spell his name) were testing my bell and asking me if I could feel any thing and I said no. Then I started to feel the catheter and they said that is normal and its too late we have already made the incision, and we are about to... I interrupted them and said I dont need a road map on what you are doing. Just let me know when she is here. I dont know how long it was but it seems like it wasnt too long when one of the drs. said he is a good looking boy. I just about fainted I do what a boy hold on.. Then Williams go no he is a she and she is beautiful then I heard her cry. Then I started to cry, Wayne was crying. The nurses put her on the warming table and was sucking out her lungs she never cried till they did that. Then they brought her over to me and she was looking around while I was talking to her then she found me and we locked eyes for a long time. Then they had to take her to the nursery to get her weight and measurements. Wayne got to carry her over to the nursery. While the Dr were sewing me up. They seemed like FOREVER. Well they finally were done with me and wheeled me back to my room. It seems like forever before they brought her into me. She is beautiful.... Well Dr Williams came in and told me what went on and why I wasn't dilated. Well my uterus is shaped like a triangle or heart shape and it wasn't contraction right, and the cord was wrapped around her neck and she wasn't going to go anywhere. Also when she came out she her head was shaped like a cone the same measurement as 6 cm. So she was trying to come out but wasn't going to make it anywhere. I felt so good after wards and still do. I think from now on if we do have more children I will just go ahead and have them c sectioned. I have been great no pain or anything. Also Dr Williams said that I more then likely will have to have them c sectioned but we can try to have them natural. I said and be in labor for that long again. I dont think so. Here are some pictures of our little angel. 

laying on the warming table.

dad carrying her to the nursery

getting all checked

or room nursery handing Jaxie to daddy

daddy crying right as Jaxie being pulled out

Jaxie big feet

already has a strong hold

already trying to talk with her mommy

our first family picture 

  We stayed in the hospital for 3 days. The second day Jaxie was tested for jaundice and she had it so she had to be under the lights for that day and night. I was a little scared again so dad and Wayne gave Jaxie and I blessings again.. We had to bring home the lights but for only one night. She did lose 12 oz but her levels were done. 

our little tanning diva

she would roll from her left side to the right side.. i know way to young right

look at how long her hair is

already has a strong grip she loves to hold on to your fingers

Today is the 15 and we both are doing great. I got my staples out and I brought baby Jaxie with me and this is what she picked out to wear.. She is so dang cute. I love her so much..I look at her and just cant believe that Wayne and I made her. She has a little bit of both of us in her. 

I love her so so so so much.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Its official we are having our baby girl, THURSDAY 2-10-11. I can not wait. I sure hope the next two days go really fast..

Things that I have been wondering:

1. Who does she look like me or Wayne?

2. Will she have hair, what color?

3. How big is she?

4. What to outfit to bring her home in?

5. Will we cry when we see her?

There are so many more questions, and not enough time or space to write them all down.

 I have been so blessed with a great pregnancy. The only thing I complained about was everyone else was having their babies and not me. I have had some pains but not to bad of ones. Its hard not knowing the unknown. I would have some pains and go is this it are we ready and then nothing would happen. It was very confusing good thing we have the great Dr. and nurses that we do, and family that if we have questions we can call up and ask. Im glad Kandice went through this first so I could call her when ever I had a question. Thanks sis for being there for me. It sure was nice to have you to talk to.

Its been funny the last few days. We keep getting phones or texts "have you had the baby yet" and Wayne and I decided that we were going to start responding to them " OH CRAP sorry we had her yesterday and forgot to call you We are so sorry" Let me tell you some people have been so mad but they got over it when we started to laugh... Sorry every one if we offended you but some times you get tired of hearing "you haven't popped her out yet." Don't you think I know that, and wish I had... :) It sure was fun...

Well better start getting ready for work... This time for real next time I do a post we will be Parents YAY...

Until have a great few days..