Monday, November 26, 2012

caught up time..

okay ill have to play caught up when I can actually get my pictures on my new computer. For some reason they are not loading.
Anyways we went hunting this year up to Yellowstone. We stopped to have a picnic and we took some pictures.  Here a few that I edited.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Jaxie 21 months

I know I'm probably the worst blogger out there. But hey I'm a  working mom... Yes I said it "WORKING MOM."

Jaxie has grown up so much lately. She is talking so good and wont stop. She is just my little chatter box.

Im always asking her to help me do things. So when she wants to help me with things she askes "help me, help me" Its so cute.

This morning I was at my moms dropping Jax off for the day. I stayed and ate breakfast with them and she looks around and goes. "gumpa, gumpa?" Looking for her grandpa she sure does love her grandparents. And of course gumpa was at work already.

She love to watch movies on our Ipad. She is starting to understand more, and more emotions. Every once and awhile Ill hear her laugh or say oh sad and get teary eyed. Wayne says she is so my child when it comes to emotions since I'm a basket case when it comes to them.

We have been introducing her to the potty world. Not yet trying to potty train but get her use to the toilet. I have toilet seat that has a toddler seat also and when its bath time. We go potty usually she does go potty but some times not. But when she does its a huge party in the bathroom we yell and high five and YAY YOU WENT POTTY. She thinks its the best thing in the world. Now if it would be just that easy...

We got our selves a dog  puppy.  Big mistake but of course we (jaxie) fell in love with him. His name is Thor and he is a stick of energy. He is a minature Schnauzer. He really is fun its just hard when he wont potty train either. So he is our outside dog till night time. Im hoping he will grow out of it. Because Jaxie and Thor just love each other. When they are playing all I hear is laughing from both. I love to hear Jaxie laugh.. She is always laughing. What can I say I have a happy girl.. Which im so happy for.

We did Haloween this year and she did have fun to a point. It was getting late and she was getting hungry. When she gets hungry watch out. The bear in Jaxie comes out. She dressed up as a witch.I do have pictures but we all know how good Im at posting pictures on here. I will try to get them this weekend.

Jaxie also has almost all of her teeth. She is working on her canines right now and they have been the worse. She is in so much pain that when she does cry she humms, with her mouth shut. Its so sad. I do give her those teething tables and they seem to be the best for her.