Thursday, March 29, 2012


YES YOU READ IT RIGHT WE ARE HOMEOWNERS!!!. We actually have been here for about 3 weeks, and so much has happened. I love being a howeowner. Jaxie loves it also she loves that she can go in and out of her own room. She loves to pull out all of her clothes from the dresser.

We have had a mishap. We had to buy new washer and dryer. Sears came and hooked up the washer well that saturday the hose came out of the wall and flooded my hall way some of my room and down in the basement. Wayne was so upset. We cleanned it up. Then realized that we should have taken pictures of the mess. But of course that is the last thing on your mind when you find that mess. It ruinned my hard wood floor. So I called Sears and they are going to turn it into their insurance and will be fixing my hardwood floor. now if we can only get them here.

We are still decorating. Im so not the decorater like my mom and sis and aunt. I wish I had that gene to decorate but I don't. Good thing some of my family does and have friends that will help me. I can't wait to decorate then decorate again. We do have to put in our back yard, that is going to be a chore but fun. We have to put up a retainer wall then sod. We just have soo busy that it hasn't happened yet but needs to soon because Jaxie loves being outside. So the sooner the better.

Well this homeowner needs to get baby J ready for bed.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Well its official... We are HOME OWNERS. Not yet we waiting on the owner to sign but he will sign tomorrow. We will be moving in this weekend. YAY YAY!!! We are so excited now if we could only have some one move us for us.... I hate packing and unpacking. On the upside this is OUR OWN HOUSE, and extreme spring cleaning. I just keep counting my blessing. It funny how things work out for the good. I knew it would happen one of these days but not this soon. I'm so happy. Wayne cant wait either. We would move everything tonight if we got the keys.