Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jaxie new thing

So Jaxie has caught on to a new thing. When she is in the living room laying on the floor all by herself, and we are in the other room. She decides she needs some attention she will SCREAM. Not just a little whimper its a full out SCREAM. Then she turns toward the door to make sure some one is coming. If we don't come she just keeps on getting louder and louder. Its pretty funny and cute. I will be trying to clean or cooking and she decides she needs me. Of course its right when I cant run right to her. So I yell back your okay Jaxie ill be there soon. Well that only lasts about 2 minutes then she gets louder and louder.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Wayne and I have the most BEAUTIFUL baby ever. 

We had her pictures done of her, and here are some of them. Thank you Kori, and Mandi, they are great. 

our first family photo.

we tried so hard to get her to lay on her belly. Jaxie was not having it. so you get a front view of our pixie

she was awake then not awake.

Our little monkey. We sure love her

Mommy  and Daughet

Sleeping Angel

One of my FAVORITES. I love this one. Its so precious.

My little Saloon girl..

This one she kept kicking off the back of the saddle and throwing herself over the saddle we were lucky to caught this one.

Mom really more pictures come on. I thought we were done.

It was so much fun getting these pictures done. I have more but they are a surprise for her blessing day. Youll have to wait til then.  Hope you enjoyed them as much as we are still. I look at these pictures everyday and thank my Heavenly Father for her. We are so blessed to have Jaxie in our lives. What did we ever do without her. 

Jaxie Mommy and Daddy love you so much thanks for choosing us, and coming down to entertain us. You have been so much fun. From the smiles and giggling to your yelling to get our attention.

Love Mom.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

1 month old

I can't believe it. Our baby girl is 1 MONTH OLD. Jaxie has changed so much since she was born. You can almost see her growing taller. She is starting to fill out more and more, but I think she is going to be tall she has such long arms, fingers, legs, feet, and toes.

Here are some things I have learned with Jaxie:

1. She doesn't like Chocolate. Which means she didn't take after the Fisher side. (thank goodness ha ha)
2. If she is crying its because she is either hungry or has a messy diaper.
3. She loves to lay on the floor and play. She likes to held but only for so long.
4. She doesn't know about Dallie Jo. Dallie steals her benkie.. but she loves Dallie Jo still.
5. She LOVES HER DADDY. I can tell she cant wait to have her daddy time. Even though she is still mommies girl.
6. She is going to be BUSY BUSY BUSY girl when she gets bigger. She already is right now.

There just so many that I can go on on, and on for days. 


1. The CUDDLING TIME I get with Jaxie.
2. Being home with the worlds cutest girl ever.
3. Just being the mommy. Its every girls dream to be a mommy.
4. Playing dolls, and dress up everyday.
5. Being able to watch my own daughter grow and learn
6. Being able to teach her everything I can.

I really don't know what we did with out her. We love being home and playing with her. Wayne has been such a great daddy. I knew he would be but he really surprised me. He is right there if I need something. At night I will feed Jaxie and hand her over to him and he will burp and change her. Bath time he will get her ready for the bath and then dress her after the bath. He puts her to sleep at night, and all I have to do is put her in bed. It really is great. Im so blessed to have such a great husband.

I love being able to go over to my sister Kandice's house to have play time with the girls. This summer is going to be so much fun. I cant wait. Neither can Jaxie she has told me.... haha. I love seeing the girls together. Jaxie doesn't do much other than cooing and smiling when Dallie is rolling over the top of her. One of these days Jaxie is going to roll over the top of Dalllie. Its so fun Dallie thinks that Jaxie stole her binkie so she has to take it back, or grandpa Mathews takes Jaxies and gives it to Dallie. It was so funny. All of us women we like grandpa that is Jaxies. The binkies are the same ones so he had no idea other than it was in Jaxies diaper bag. We all laughed. Dallie is all hands she wants to grab Jaxie so much that is just kills her. When Kandice is holding Jaxie Dallie keeps an eye one on her mommy. Its pretty cute. and of course Jaxie is up there going  ha ha I have your mommy holding me and you don't!!!!.

Well we are heading to the city this weekend. Friday we are going to meet up at my work to show off Jaxie then to dinner with Waynes sister Kolynn and Marcus they havent seen Jaxie yet she is so excited to meet her aunts and uncles. Then to the hotel to watch beau swim and meet aunt krystal and uncle roy. Saturday we are going to get her blessing dress and all of us an outfit for pictures on sunday. Then its off to Price to see the Marx Grandparents and all of her cousins.

We will have pictures to follow. LOVE YOU ALL.